Do I need a website?
In this day and age, the simple answer is yes. Whether your company is a florists, a football club or a clothing retailer you can guarantee that a website will...

Do I need a Content Management System?
As web development trends advance, so do the requirements of the clients paying for and maintaining them. The “old approach” was to have your “tech guy” make changes to the...

How to be the perfect client to a designer
Clients, to be fair to them, often don’t receive a fair reputation by us design folk. It’s not their fault that they may ask for some silly requests because, unlike...

Extinct logos – marks of failure
When a brand is performing well, its logo is the ultimate symbol of success. When a brand fails and ceases to exist, the poor logo becomes an eternal reminder, haunting...

5 reasons why website templates are a bad idea
There has recently been a huge influx of companies offering ‘personalized’ website templates, and surprisingly (to me at least) , they seem to be very popular. Here I will outline...

Step Inside The World of Logo Design – Part 3
This is an excerpt from a free chapter from Smashing Logo Design. You can read Part 1 here and part 2 here The Rise of the Web The Internet has...

Has the internet turned logo design into an industry?
Industry vs Discipline It could be argued that logo design will always be seen as an individual discipline of graphic design, however, due to the recent change in tactics employed...

The Unofficial Logo Design World Cup
Following on from the previous article on the history of the English FA logo I thought it would be unfair to leave out all of the other teams competing in...

The Dangers of Backwards Branding
In this article I am going to be talking about logos, brand identity, wedding cakes & doughnuts. Let’s set a scenario for a moment… A new business owner has a...

10 Common Logo Design Mistakes – The Unseen Unedited Version
Way back in June 2009 I wrote a certain article for Smashing Magazine and it got both positive and negative reviews. The article was in fact edited and included words...

Top 10 Stock Vector Cliches
Stock Vectors are everywhere, im magazines, on TV ads, sometimes even on the clothes that you wear. On more than one occasion I have looked at a design that is...

10 Biggest Stock Photography Cliches
We all use stock photography, there is no point in denying it, it’s the cheapest and most accessible means of obtaining images that would normally only be made available by...